Utilising Technology in Last-mile Delivery

Oct 29, 2024

McKinsey research suggests that top performing logistics organisations are investing in technology to improve last-mile delivery’.

This statistic reinforces the critical importance of the ‘last-mile’ on business success.

A key tool in achieving last-mile improvements is through the application of analytics against logistics outputs. 93% of global logistics operators said they plan to maintain or increase their spending on technology over the next three years.

By using a last-mile software solution like ROUTD, businesses can analyse their logistics operations to find improvements. This will ultimately improve productivity, customer and driver satisfaction, and reduce costs.

Through the application of AI and machine learning, ROUTD optimises routes, reviews driver performance, bridges communication gaps, completes product temperature checks and digitises all paperwork and administration.

Using technology to improve last-mile delivery can also help control costs. Analytics helps adapt to market demands while also anticipating potential route disruptions.

Some ways analytics and automation can help address costs:
– Gives the ability for real time data and updates
– Helps improve transparency in the network
– Reduces delays through historical data
– Analyzes trends and helps predict future problems

Historically, the last mile has been the least automated step in the delivery process, but that is rapidly changing through the adoption of technology.

By increasing the use of technology, organisations can work smarter, faster, and safer than ever before.

To learn more about how a tech solution like ROUTD could improve your last-mile delivery performance speak to one of our team.