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Logistics Changes to Watch in 2023

The last mile delivery market in the UK is one of the most competitive in the world. The growth rates are increasing at a faster rate, while implications of Brexit are emerging. Brick and mortar sales have been declining, while online sales are increasing. The industries experiencing the biggest hit as a result of Brexit are transport, hospitality, and retail so it is important to look at operations in depth to implement changes. According to a study by the think tanks Centre for European Reform and UK in a Changing Europe, there are around 330,000 less workers. Having less workers means costs are increasing in many sectors.

Some key things to look at to optimize supply chain flexibility right now include:

  • Procurement
  • Warehousing
  • Manufacturing Footprint
  • Transportation

With fewer drivers on the road, maximizing every route becomes a non-negotiable aspect of route planning. Technology assists in this process by ensuring vehicle loads are optimized and miles wasted are reduced. API-driven data, responsive delivery operation teams, and more digitalization are key in helping minimize delays and errors.

ROUTD not only prepares drivers by carefully choosing the most efficient routes, but also provides historical data of the processes throughout each journey from warehouse to business.

It is increasingly important to plan for risks, so that this disruption and future ones can be responded to quickly and companies can action future plans more effectively.

Contact us today for a demo of what ROUTD, our data and artificial intelligence driven logistics and delivery management software and mobile app, can do for you and your business! Email us at or call us +44 (0) 207 622 4445.